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Stevan Hristich Choir

(Стеван Христић Хор)


The SSS Stevan Hristic Choir is comprised of over 30 adults who have chosen to share their gift of music with the Church. The Choir is a very active group which meets for weekly rehearsal.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” - Colossians 3:16

Music is an integral part of the worship services in the Orthodox Church. We are proud to have a music program which provides the opportunity for people to share their talents with God. We are blessed to have a vibrant music ministry program at St. Sava Church. The beautiful voices of our choir provide for a prayerful atmosphere during the Divine Liturgy.

“Nothing elevates the soul to such a degree as divine psalmody, which give the soul wings and liberates it from worldly concerns.” 

-St. John Chrysostom

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Aside from the dedication and commitment each member gives to the choir, part of our success comes from the talented directors who have served our choir:

+Rev. Sava Vujkov
Miss Dawn King
+Mr. George Clemmer
+Miss Dani Janich
+Mr. Mark Marusich
Mr. Ken Kasovac
Mr. Lazo Mihajlovich

We have also been fortunate having the following as our assistant directors:

+Mr. Michael Lontchar
Mr. Fedja Strelkoff
Mr. Dejan Korkut
Mr. Nick Tkacenko

We carry the name of Stevan Hristich with pride. May we honor his memory with continued dedication and by giving our parishioners and our audiences the best in music pleasure.



The Stevan Hristich Choir is made up of members who volunteer their time and voices. Time is a precious commodity, especially in this day and age. Members of the choir give up this precious commodity to meet for Wednesday rehearsals, to prepare and sing for Divine Liturgy on Sundays, and other special rehearsals, performances, and church services.

In order to become a member, you must be 16 years old or older. It is required that you attend three (3) consecutive rehearsals, submit an application, and then be approved by the membership at a monthly meeting. Once you are voted in as a member, a $20 membership fee is required. Rehearsals are every Wednesday night from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Music background is not necessary. All you need is the willingness to donate a few hours a week to the church, hang out with some fun people, and create lifelong friendships.

*Note: The choir will sing for weddings, funerals, and other special services, if given ample time and notice. If you have an event, celebration, or special service you would like the choir to be a part of, please contact the church office for information on fees and costs.





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Current Members


Nick Tkacenko - Director 


Alexis Baich

Diane Baich

Djuro Baich

Mila Baich

Alex Dragovich

Danielle Dragovich

Demeter Dragovich

Sharon Dragovich

Joey Kosanovich


Vesna Lazarevic

Stevan Mladenovic

Ljubo Marcetich

Vonnie Orlich

Beba Tkacenko

Dusanka Tkacenko

Mihaila Tuba

Mirko Vucetic

Donna Vudrag  

Nina Zivanovic

We Appreciate Your Donation


We are a community organization who deeply appreciates the support, emotional, spiritual and charitable, of our community.          If you feel able, please donate.

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